Knowing how to make a patch like this is useful even when you do not repair the damage. The first time I did one was when I installed the telephone and cable television service in an older house that my parents had bought. My brother and I cut holes in the top and bottom of the wall to fish through the new cable, and then I patched up the holes and repainted and you never know the wall had been repaired. The same is true for the operation of a new power cord or anything else that needs to get inside the wall.
If you do not already know, a typical wall is mostly air. It is common 2 x 4 wooden poles or metal studs that are placed every 16 inches in the center (where the construction of walls that the measure of each school and not the edges.) The surface is covered with drywall (on board plaster covered with a heavy layer of paper) that is screwed or nailed to the studs. It& 39;s quick to build and looks great, but can be easily damaged - especially when using the builder 1 / 4 inch thick instead of drywall 1 / 2 inch or 3 / 4 inches (these are the standard thicknesses.)
When you have a damaged wall Should you need to replace the broken area with new drywall patch, and then the seams and paint.
The supplies you need for this project are:
Drywall Saw
* * * Useful Knife
Drywall piece enough large to fill the hole
* 1 x 3-inch pieces of wood or plywood to scrap supports
Drywall Screws
* * * Joint Compound
mesh fiberglass Drywall Tape
* 6-inch or larger Spreader
* Fine Grit sandpaper or Drywall Sanding Screen
* Drill with Drywall Bit
All of these supplies can be found at your local home center in the building materials near the drywall. If you have a small patch, which can give you a piece of drywall so you will not have to buy a full sheet. Usually there are a lot of pieces, which on various thicknesses.
Here & 39; s step by step process:
1. Cut a hole larger than the damaged area. Make the corners of the square as cut as possible to make it easier to cut the replacement patch. Use a drywall saw cut hole
2. Court several pieces of 1 x 3 inches of wood or plywood scraps that are several inches higher than the hole. Place on the wall near the edges of the hole and use drywall screws to secure the wood to the existing wall. (Tighten the screws until the heads are slightly below the surface but not completely tear through the paper. Drywall A bit of your drill is designed to prevent overtightening. It is not essetial, but is recommended.) The question here is create a good solid surface to hold the patch. If you have a grand opening can put additional support in the center.
3. Using a knife, cut a piece new patch that is slightly smaller than the hole. (To cut drywall, cut the paper into the finished product side and then bend backwards plate plaster until the & 39; lace & 39;. Want to support your back along the court uniformly breaks. Once you& 39;ve snapped, use the knife to cut the paper into the back.)
4. Insert the patch at the opening and attach it to secure the support you have already installed using drywall screws. A screw on the top and bottom of each support should be sufficient. (Do not put the screws too close to the edges or the cast down.)
5. Now that the hole is full enough money to cover the seams. Apply tape fiberglass mesh on the seams. (The joint compound used to fill the seams and crack is not strong if not stronger.)
6. The last step is the application of joint compound to the seams with wide dissemination of the Propagation combination knife during the screw holes and tape, creating the smooth surface you can. Do not get too fussy at this stage. Just get close. That this overnight dry, then put a layer in more light. After this layer is dry, smooth surface at any blows with a light sanding.
Your wall has been repaired, as good news. Put a layer of the wall during the first patch to seal the surface and then paint to match the rest of the wall. It is important to the book, because raw drywall joint compound and, when painted, dull finish painting his house and give job.
Happy patch repair,
The Go-To Guy
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