Will impact of these technologies? To be honest, it is too early to say - but awareness drives innovation and that his team can develop an idea or request for changes that really a portion of its electronic commerce business.
Here & 39; s summary :
What is:
Probably the best known of the three, Blogs allow ordinary people to develop a website and distribute any type of content they want. Many Web entrepreneurs use this feature to develop online stores in niche markets, while by seeking popularity to beat the biggest retailers in the specific conditions within the market.
Where Blogs do is make sense within communities Specific online. Some authors of blogs develop a large user base specific, hence the site becomes a target market of viral marketing. By integrating its brand image in the user experience in this blog is an online marketing are really capable of segment marketing BEFORE converting someone like you customer.
Should care: you have a very
If unique value proposition, or to sell very specific or high value customer segment, blogs can be a good way to increase brand awareness. You can better connect with their customers and provide in detail the current sales and promotions you& 39;re providing.
What is:
Pocasting should be just called mobile video broadcasting - Apple marketing / development team has done a great job with the brand his device at a rate of the new media! Similar to traditional radio and television, mobile video broadcasting provides content on the mark either payment / free environment, someone& 39;s mobile MP3 player (Apple currently has only video, but that will change soon ). Retailers can use this channel of communication to connect their customers with more promotional events, while the specialty transmitting programming to satisfy an interest need.
Should you care:
Not really. Until video podcasts penetration increases, is still a limited channel for advertising. The best application available at this time would be a segment of online content is delivered digitally to an opt-in list. As technology advances, you can do this from his current position opt-in page of its website and not Apple & 39; s iTunes platform.
RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication, and is a method of distribution electronic content. RSS is transmitted through the Internet, but what makes it unique is that the discharge is not necessary efforts by the final recipient of the content. It instateneously streams. Consumers can have news readers on their computers, either integrated into an emal client, or a web application aggregates, such as News Gator, and are able to obtain information about their interests.
Already gaining momentum in the travel industry and within the comparison shopping engines, RSS seems to be a valuable way to push news, special offers and infomrmation to customers. Travel companies are able to provide a flow of supplies to last-minute airfare offers its customer segments, without the customer having to open a mail or visit a webpage.
Should you care:
Depends on the nature of their business. Is constantly offer new prices? Tired of new pieces to his collection constantly? Do you have a customer base that is extremely loyal he wants to reach with messaging? If so, May RSS another channel to help build its brand.
Craig Smith
Trinity Insight LLC
http: / / www.trinityinsight.com
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