Some gardeners are leery of climbing roses because of concern that climbing roses can be damaged by cold weather; also because some types take years to reach full maturity. However, a wide selection of climbing roses can sustain harsh weather and bloom beautifully.
Rose Planting Time
The best time to plant any type of climbing rose is early spring. This will give your roses 6 months or more to get established before the cold sets in.
Before choosing your climbing rose, get acquainted with the 3 distinct categories of climbing roses: rambling roses, trailing roses, and true climbing roses.
The most intrusive climbing roses are the ramblers. These exuberant roses can grow up to 20 feet in 1 season. Although most of the roses from ramblers are quite small, many of the newer varieties produce larger roses. Unfortunately, ramblers tend to be susceptible to mildew.
If you re looking for a climbing rose that is tougher and less prone to mildew and disease, you might prefer a trailing rose. These climbers look great planted alongside walls. You should stake them, otherwise the long canes will grow along the ground instead of upright. Trailing roses typically have blooms 2 to 3 inches in diameter. 2 of the more popular trailing roses are the cultivars and Rosa Wichurana.
True Climbers
If you enjoy climbing roses with large flowers, true climbers fit the bill. These types of roses produce flowers in large clusters. There are 2 categories of true climbers: bush climbers, and climbing hybrid teas. Bush climbers will bloom throughout the season, while climbing hybrid teas may last only a few weeks. The bush climber has more resistance to mildew and disease than the climbing hybrid teas.
How to Plant Roses
Planting your roses is an easy task. The first thing is to pick your area. The hole should be approximately 1 foot from your trellis or wall, and be about 1 foot deep by 1 foot in diameter.
Once you ve dug a hole, you ll need to add organic matter. Well-rotted manure or compost are good. Next, carefully remove the rose from its container. If you come across tangled outer roots, gently untangle them with your fingers. Place your plant in the hole and fill it in with any extra soil. Then water it thoroughly.
How To Water & Train Your Roses
You should water your climbing roses at least once a week, saturating the soil.
Once your rose s canes have grown long enough to reach the trellis or arch, tie the canes to the structure. Unlike a vine, which is equipped with tendrils, climbing roses need help to attach to a structure. You can tie them with a soft cloth or string. Remember to give the canes enough room for growth and expansion. Be sure not to tie them too tightly.
Choose the right climbing roses and they ll beautify your home for years to come!
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